The Reviewer Experience
SlideRoom is a web-based viewing/evaluation platform to conduct admissions from any browser or device. There are two user roles in SlideRoom: Administrator (access to everything) and Reviewer (limited to designated applicants). There are several ways to grant reviewer access to specific sets of applicants:
- Program: Reviewers can see all applications within a specific program.
- Saved View: Reviewers can see a dynamic list of applications that meet specific conditions.
- Individual Assignment: Reviewers can only see handpicked applications.
Viewing Portfolios
Each applicant has their own page with their name displayed at the top. The Star tab in the top right corner will automatically be open so you can leave ratings using your school's custom scorecard. When you click on a thumbnail image, you can view each media item in fullscreen mode.
Evaluation Features
SlideRoom has a variety of features which can work together to form a powerful evaluation system. These evaluations can later be exported and integrated with your SIS. Evaluation features include:
- Highlights: Pin any part of an application onto a single page to focus on those items.
- General Commenting: Leave a comment on the application as a whole.
- Item Commenting: Develop threaded comments around any submitted item.
- Status: Organize applicants into sub-groupings by giving the applicant a color coded status.
- Tags: Give applicants several labels to help search for all applicants with that tag later.
- Rating Sets: Different programs can utilize different sets of evaluation criteria. Tabulation of ratings can include a simple average, weighted average, or point system.
Viewing the Common App
If your school utilizes Common App's Scheduled Delivery Service (SDS), each applicant's PDF can be connected with their portfolio and displayed for easy viewing. Each document gets converted to HTML to ensure that it displays consistently across any browser or device. Learn More about viewing the Common App in SlideRoom.